
I am always looking for inspiration in all that I do and everywhere I go. Content for this blog. Styling ideas for Wardrobe Warriors clients. Latest trends. The list goes on… Living in NYC, there’s lots to do and see, but sometimes I still get stuck. At these times, I look towards my peers –…

Impractical Must-Haves

Me: “I soooo need these!” Tania: “Yeah, but when and where will you actually wear them…?” Me:  😦 The above conversation is regularly occurring with my sister, Tania and me anytime we are out shopping together. Ever the practical one (who has been known to splurge herself at times, which I clearly encourage!), she is always…


Does it get more festive than tassels? The sister of fringe is making statements all over town and we ain’t mad at her! I remember, as a child, admiring the tassels on the fancy window treatments in our living room. Sometimes I would pull them off and loop them onto my wrists to accessorize –…